DOL Awards $4.87 Million to Reduce Child Labor in Turkey
The Fair Labor Association has been awarded $4.87 million to reduce child labor in hazelnut production.
The Fair Labor Association has been awarded $4.87 million in order to implement a project to improve hazelnut suppliers' social compliance programs and reduce child labor, according to a U.S. Department of Labor news release.
The Fair Labor Association will achieve this by partnering with Nestle and its two main hazelnut suppliers in Turkey, Balsu and Olam-Progida, to reduce child labor. The project is called "Piloting the USDA Guidelines in the Hazelnut Supply Chain in Turkey" and will last 28 months.
The project will design and pilot a sustainable program that implements the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Guidelines for Eliminating Child and Forced Labor in Agricultural Supply Chains.