A fire severely damaged the B777 after it crashed on July 6, 2013, while on approach to San Francisco International Airport. (Mike Brake / Shutterstock.com photo)

ICAO Releases Runway Safety Kit, Sets Loss of Control In Flight Symposium

The May 20-22 symposium in Montreal will feature speakers from the FAA, Boeing and Airbus, NTSB, IFALPA, CAE, and other organizations.

The International Civil Aviation Organization recently released a new Runway Safety Implementation Kit that it developed collaboratively with several other organizations and agencies involved in aviation safety, including IATA, FAA, EASA, EUROCONTROL, and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA). ICAO also announced it will hold a symposium May 20-22 at its Montreal headquarters on the topic of in-flight loss of control events. Speakers from the FAA, Boeing and Airbus, NTSB, IFALPA, CAE, and several other organizations are scheduled to participate in the event.

According to ICAO, loss of control in-flight (LOCI) accidents have resulted in more deaths in scheduled commercial operations than any other category of accidents during the past decade, so they are a global aviation safety priority.

The symposium is planned is intended to bring the aviation community together to examine the range of contributing factors and coordinate efforts to address the issue globally. Participants will discuss technologies and approaches to avoid pre-LOCI conditions, optimizing the management of automated systems, research on the management of unexpected, threatening events, and new ICAO provisions for upset prevention and recovery training.

The new runway safety kit consolidates rsources developed by ICAO and its Runway Safety Programme partners in recent years and includes the latest guidance updates. "The ICAO Runway Safety Programme is one of global aviation's best examples of how collaborative efforts on behalf of the world's states and leading aviation organizations can deliver practical, cost-effective results on the very complex, multidisciplinary challenges facing our sector," said ICAO Council President Dr. Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu. "ICAO and its partners in this area remain fully committed to delivering continuous improvement on global aviation safety results and to lowering runway-associated fatalities."

ICAO's announcement also said ICAO and its partners soon will launch a Runway Safety GO-Team program that will help establish focused runway safety teams at world airports, and they will conduct regional runway safety seminars in Africa and the Middle East.


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