OSHA and Scaffold Industry Association Launch Transport Platform Safety Tips

Through the OSHA and Scaffold Industry Association Alliance, SIA has developed "Transport Platform Safety Tips." The Safety Tips are designed to educate users on the correct way to perform their work on transport platform equipment.

"The recently approved Transport Platform Safety Tips is the second document of its kind developed through the SIA/OSHA Alliance Program, and a huge step forward in OSHA recognizing this new type of equipment.” said Greg Janda, SIA Mast Climbing Council chair and document coordinator. “Along with the ANSI standard approved in 2009, these safety tips will reach the people using this type of product and help educate them on the safe and proper use of transport platforms. The Mast Climbing Council looks forward to working with OSHA, through the Alliance Program, to develop additional safety related material."

Transport Platforms Safety Tips:

The transport platform (TP) is a tool of the trade used to move authorized and trained personnel with their materials and tools between levels at a worksite.

  • TPs should be operated, used, erected and dismantled only by personnel who have been properly trained and familiarized with the specific model/machine. Only people who are authorized and have received the required training are permitted on the TP.
  • A pre-start inspection must be completed at the beginning of each shift prior to use.
  • Do not exceed the maximum load limitations, including both personnel and material for the configuration of the TP being used.
  • Make sure that all inspections and maintenance are performed as required and according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • When dismantling, do not remove the wall ties unless the base and remaining ties can support the TP configuration without tipping.
  • Ensure the TP operates at a minimum travel distance of 18 inches from the building or structure.
  • When moving the TP always look in the direction of travel. Ensure there are no personnel or material beneath the platform.
  • When descending, ensure the TP stops automatically no less than 10 feet above the supporting level for at least three seconds and sounds a continuous warning from that point until the bottom is reached.
  • Always install guardrails and mast guards. Ensure access gates and other access locations are protected with guardrails. Ensure that no material or personnel project beyond or overhang the platform guardrails.
  • Use all required personal fall protection equipment during erection and dismantling.
  • Only use normal operating controls for the TP. Do not bypass or override the normal operating controls or safety devices.
  • Check for hazards such as overhead obstructions, building protrusions, high voltage lines, inadequate base support, drop offs, debris and other unsafe conditions.
  • If jobsite conditions dictate and when transporting personal, a roof shall be fitted to the TP, to protect from falling objects.

For guidance on training contact the manufacturer. For additional guidance on training refer to ANSI A92.10-2009 or OSHA Regulations.

The TP Safety Tips can be downloaded by clicking here. For more information, contact SIA headquarters at (816) 595-4860 or by e-mail at [email protected].


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