HEI site

Online Hearing Conservation Workshop Launched

The House Ear Institute has created an interactive online hearing conservation workshop designed for the general audio consumer. The workshop takes 30 minutes to complete and is available anytime at the institute’s Web site: http://www.hei.org.

There are three main sections to the workshop: how the auditory system processes sound, an explanation of noise-induced hearing loss and prevention tips.

It is estimated that children and teens represent roughly half of those suffering from noise-induced hearing loss in the United States, with 5.2 million 6-19 year olds showing a hearing loss directly related to noise exposure. Noise-induced hearing loss is usually painless, progressive and always permanent but can also be 100 percent preventable.

"How loud young people listen to music today can contribute to noise-induced hearing loss," said Dr. Rick Friedman, practicing physician in the House Ear Clinic. "Teenagers may not think it can happen to them but 20 years from now, adults in their 30s may be wearing hearing aids."


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