Fighting the Superbug
MRSA is in the workplace, and it's not going away. Protect your workers now from this emerging threat.
- By Gary Burris
- May 01, 2008
It was bound to happen. Medical professionals
warned about it more than 50
years ago when a surprisingly effective
tool for fighting infections first entered
into broad use in the 1950s. If we step back
a bit more to 1939, when two European
scientists used penicillin for the first time
on a human patient, it becomes obvious
why antibiotics have been so heavily prescribed
to fight infections. That early success
was the fuse that has ignited one of the
biggest health challenges of our lifetime:
MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus
aureus). It’s already making great
strides into the general public and the
workplace. Worker’s compensation claims
are on the rise because of the severe and
sometimes life-threatening infections that
are associated with MRSA.
Five predominant events have led to the
emergence of the superbug MRSA. First,
bacteria know how to mutate, and they do it
with fierce abandon. Next, antibiotics of all
types, including penicillin and its successors,
have been over-prescribed for decades.
Third, people who have been prescribed
antibiotics have tended to stop taking their
prescriptions when symptoms subside, even
though it has always been recommended
that a person finishes the prescription in
whole unless side effects occur. Fourth,
anti-bacterial soaps have proliferated since
their introduction in the 1990s. Like the
antibiotics used in medicine, the overuse of
antibacterial soaps and similar products,
especially in healthy homes and work sites,
can help bacteria grow resistant. Last, the
overall trend in our society to skip showers
after strenuous exercise or physical activity,
and instead apply a sweet-smelling body
spray, has created a breeding ground for
aggressive bacteria such as MRSA. If they
aren’t eliminated completely, the bacteria
morph and mutate to come back stronger
and more deadly than before. Sometimes
there are other courses of action that don’t
include antibiotics and can fight off minor
infections. In those cases, prescribing
antibiotics can be superfluous and detrimental
in the long term.
Squeaky Clean is Good Enough
In the 1990s, we saw the introduction, and
consequent flood, of antibacterial soaps
and miscellaneous products. It seemed like
every day there was a new antibacterial
product on the market. The antibacterial
movement reached its peak when antibacterial
clothing and fabrics were introduced.
Antibacterial products aren’t bad in
concept. What is bad is when these products
are introduced into perfectly healthy
environments. Antibacterial soaps can kill
off good bacteria, too, so the use of them
may do more harm than good in the bigger
Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You
One of most amazing social evolutions in
American life is the trend toward not
showering. Everyone knows a person, or
likely several, who thinks nothing of
working out for an hour or two and then
throws on his street clothes to head home
or go on a date. The astounding growth in
the men’s body spray market is an immediate
indication that guys aren’t showering
like they used to.
Dirty, moist, salty, warm skin is a perfect
breeding ground for MRSA. Bacteria
thrive on skin and grow rapidly in the right
conditions. Showering is a vital part of
curbing the MRSA epidemic. The CDC
touts washing hands as a main defense for
preventing MRSA, but washing hands only
isn’t going to kill or remove the bacteria
that might be present on a person’s legs or
arms. Because the easiest way for MRSA to
enter the body is via a cut or break in the
skin, it’s crucial to get MRSA off the entire
body—not just the hands.
Steps for Prevention
Now that we’ve established the problem,
let’s look at ways to help workers protect
themselves from MRSA. A simple MRSA
prevention plan can help your workers stay
infection free.
• Wash hands regularly and shower
after physical activity. Bacteria, including
MRSA, live on the skin. Washing hands
and showering (an antibacterial soap is
not necessary) removes bacteria from
the body, greatly reducing a worker’s
chance of contracting an infection.
Showers are extremely important after
physical activity.
• Treat and cover wounds. Breaks in
the skin are the number one way
MRSA enters the body. When treating
minor wounds, look for an over-the counter
wound-care treatment that
kills MRSA. Ask your first aid supplier
for a recommendation. Be sure to
cover all wounds.
• Don’t share personal items. Razors
are especially troublesome in relation to
spreading MRSA. It is possible for
razors to break the skin and create
opportunities for MRSA and other bacteria
to enter the body. Bacteria can live
on razors, as well as towels, benches,
clothing, and similar items. It can be
helpful to dry towels and clothing items
in a dryer instead of hanging them up to
dry. A warm to hot dryer helps to kill
• Wipe down gym equipment after use.
Some companies offer gym equipment
or a fitness center for workers. Be sure
to wipe down gym equipment with an
appropriate cleaner.
• Properly clean tools, gear, and work
equipment. Take time during the work
day to clean the tools and equipment
that can accumulate bacteria. Situations
where workers share tools and gear may
be ripe for the spread of infection-causing
MRSA is here to stay, so it’s time to put
a plan into action to protect your workers.
Education and preparation will help keep
your work environment infection free.
This article originally appeared in the May 2008 issue of Occupational Health & Safety.