Personal Protection and Academic Laboratories: The University of California PPE Program Journey brought to you by DuPont™ Nomex®

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This webinar occurred on:  September 24, 2014

OSHA’s lab safety guidelines identify fire as the most common serious incident that laboratories face; ignition of flammable clothing significantly escalates the risk of burn injury. So how do you ensure students are protected from hazards in a dynamic lab environment?

During this webinar, Ken Smith will share the strategy that University of California is using to address personal protection across their network of laboratories. He will walk the audience through the entire journey- from understanding the hazards and learning about protective technologies to planning distribution events and training personnel.

Join us as Ken describes the challenges they worked through and benefits they have seen as they work towards a sustainable laboratory protection program. A DuPont thermal specialist will also review fire protection fundamentals and answer your questions about the capabilities and limitations of flame-resistant and chemical-resistant technologies for use in laboratory applications.

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This webinar occurred on:  September 24, 2014


Ken Smith, is the Manager for Laboratory Safety at the University of California Office of the President. He holds board certifications in Industrial Hygiene and Health Physics. An alumnus of UC Santa Cruz, Ken has served the UC system for over twenty years in the areas of Radiation Safety and Research Safety. He currently works in the University of California Office of the President as the system Laboratory safety manager and assists all 10 UC campuses in their efforts to improve their laboratory safety programs.

Duration: 1 Hour