Mar 21 - 22

Palmer House Hilton Hotel

The event will kick-off with interactive deep-dive preconference workshops. These sessions will provide you with the opportunity to look at EHS applications from SAP in more detail, ask your questions, and learn from experienced SAP solution experts. The main conference will feature SAP keynotes and solution updates to ensure that attendees are fully up to date with the latest roadmap and insight from SAP. You’ll also hear from senior environment, health, and safety management executives from leading organizations, who will share their implementation experiences with SAP solutions for EHS. The conference will additionally include interactive roundtable discussions, track sessions for SAP EHS and SAP Product Safety and Stewardship, live demos illustrating solutions to common issues, and microforums on topics that will help expand your knowledge of SAP EHS and Product Safety solutions. Dedicated networking sessions and a conference evening event will round out the agenda. This conference is the only US event solely focused on SAP EHS management and proves year after year to be the largest national gathering of SAP customers, partners, and experts sharing insights, strategies, and practical advice in this field. Whether you’re an existing SAP customer or are looking for a new solution provider, this event will equip you with the necessary information and insight to transform your EHS operations by learning how digital transformation and new technology enablers like the cloud, Big Data, Internet of Things and mobile applications are changing the game for EHS professionals. Register online today at or, to find out more, please feel free to contact the T.A. Cook team at [email protected] or 919-510-8142.

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