Northcentral Technical College
Workplace combustible dust related fires and explosions occur
with alarming regularity throughout the global grain, mining,
manufacturing and non-manufacturing sectors. Historically, many of
these non-consequential incidents have escalated into catastrophic
Subsequently, this educational seminar will provide
stakeholders with the basic knowledge and skills in minimizing the
probability of occurrence and severity of consequence of future
combustible dust related incidents.
This training will assist stakeholders in developing a comprehensive
dust control and ignition management program in minimizing
combustible dust related incidents from occurring. Prevention
of future incidents begins with a robust hazard prevention and
mitigation framework consisting of a facility risk assessment,
written combustible dust program and hazard communication.
Key aspects of the seminar are identifying, evaluating and controlling
combustible dust hazards in addition to providing guidance in
conducting facility inspections and risk assessments.
Facility owners and managers concerns in reducing the probability
of a catastrophic secondary explosion include good housekeeping,
employee training, maintenance and management of ignition
The combustible dust seminar will discuss the importance
of these topics in conjunction to referencing best industry practices
from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) combustible
dust standards. Best industry practices include engineering controls
for deflagration suppression, deflagration isolation, and explosion
venting in the mitigation of combustible dust explosions.