Museum of Flight
PSHFES - 2012 Occupational Ergonomics Symposium and Workshop
September 19th & 20th, 2012 Museum of Flight Seattle, Washington
September 19th – Symposium – Cost (before Labor Day): $85 (lunch included) Cost (after Labor Day): $150
Keynote Speaker: James E. Sheedy, Ph.D., Professor, Director of Optometry Research: Pacific University
Dr. Sheedy is recognized as an expert with his work in vision ergonomics. Dr. Sheedy will be discussing: Understanding the Effects of Vision on Human Performance
September 20th – Workshop – Cost (before Labor Day): $185.00 (lunch included) Cost (after Labor Day): $250.00
Morning Session
Toolie Garner, Professional Speaker - Internal Marketing for Ergonomic Practitioners
Afternoon Session
Chris Shulenberger, MS, CPE – Issue Goal Obstacle Action (IGOA) Problem Solving Methodology
To register for either or both events, go to the PSHFES website: