Dec 05 - 07

Harvard School of Public Health

This program will provide key principles and techniques necessary to develop and maintain a sustainable laboratory or high-tech facility. Topics ranging from the architecture of high-performance laboratories, to the energy-efficient design process, to tips for laboratory users are taught by seasoned laboratory designers, energy managers, and facilities professionals with a multi-stakeholder approach to lab design. Advanced Laboratory Design will benefit anyone with responsibilities in laboratory planning, design, construction, or use. Develop laboratory-planning strategies for environmental performance: Improving the energy efficiency and environmental performance of laboratories requires examining the entire facility, from a "whole building" perspective. Adopting this perspective allows owners to improve the efficiency of the entire facility, rather than focusing on specific building components. Improving the efficiency of individual components without examining their relation to the entire system can eliminate opportunities to make other more significant efficiency improvements. Design laboratories to exceed Labs21 standards: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) have launched a voluntary program to improve the environmental performance of U.S. laboratories called the Laboratories for the 21st Century (Labs21) initiative. Labs21 is designed to improve laboratory energy and water efficiency, encourage the use of renewable energy sources, advance sustainable laboratories, and promote environmental stewardship. Also available is the Labs21 Environmental Performance Criteria (EPC), a rating system specifically designed to assess the environmental performance of research facilities.

Artificial Intelligence
