Mar 01 - 02

The Inn at Ellis Square

Outline: 1. Definitions of human performance and human error 2. Classifications of human error 3. Behavior model 4. The seven human error causal factors with an example and case study to demonstrate their applicability 5. Human error and barrier models describing the four levels of human error and the three levels of barriers with a case study to demonstrate their applicability 6. The relationship of barriers to the total quality / safety function 7. Techniques by which to strengthen administrative, technical, equipment and human barriers, with an emphasis on procedure and training barriers, and with a case study to demonstrate the application of these techniques 8. Poka yoke 9. Types of error-inducing conditions and error-likely situations existing in the task demands, work environment and humans and behaviors to counteract these conditions and situations, with examples and a case study to demonstrate their applicability 10. Thought processes and behaviors leading to non-conservative decisions and those leading to conservative decisions, with a case study to demonstrate their applicability 11. Coaching to reduce the recurrence of human error, with coaching exercises 12. Measurements 14. Defense in depth 15. Review of the universally applicable principles of human error prevention 16. Review of the elements of a Human Error Prevention Program

Artificial Intelligence
