Pennsylvania Foundry Cited for 23 Safety Violations

The foundry was investigated after OSHA received a complaint.

Domestic Castings Co. in Shippensburg, Pa. has received more than $96,000 worth of citations for four repeat and 19 serious safety violations. The gray and ductile foundry was investigated in January after a complaint was filed about the location and in conjunction with OSHA’s Regional Emphasis Program for Noise Hazards and National Emphasis Program on Crystalline Silica.

The four repeat violations were related to the company’s failure to guard live electrical parts, chains, sprockets, pulleys, and belts. Additionally, the company failed to have a standard railing on one of its platforms. These repeat violations, which were first cited in 2011, will cost the company $26,180.

“By not correcting the cited hazards, this company continues to jeopardize the safety and health of its workers, which will not be tolerated,” said Kevin Kilp, director of OSHA’s Harrisburg Area Office, in an OSHA statement. “OSHA will hold employers responsible when they fail to protect workers and provide safe and healthful workplaces.”

Serious violations, worth $70,070 in penalties, span numerous hazards, including, “multiple electrical and machine guarding hazards; overexposure and lack of engineering controls relating to silica, sulfur dioxide and iron oxide; doors on abrasive blasting enclosures not flanged and tight; accumulations of dust and shot outside of an abrasive-blasting enclosure; lack of engineering controls and audiograms for workers exposed to occupational noise; and failure to properly follow-up with workers who experienced a Standard Threshold Shift due to changes in occupational noise exposure,” among other safety concerns, according to OSHA.

The full list of citations received by Domestic Casting Co. can we found on the OSHA website.


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