OSHA Focusing on Crane Safety in Northwest

The new OSHA emphasis program will hone in on crane safety in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.

A new OSHA emphasis program will focus on crane safety in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The program will work to reduce injuries associated with crane operation in various industries.

"We know that most of these injuries and fatalities are preventable with adequate training and proper attention to safety controls," said Dean Ikeda, regional administrator for OSHA's Region X, which is based in Seattle, in an OSHA statement. "Our goal is to highlight the safety concerns and help employers and employees take steps to reduce the incidents related to crane operations. We want to improve safety for those working with or in the zone of danger where a crane is in use."

In the past five year, there have been 13 crane related accidents that OSHA has investigated in the area. These include: “crane tip-overs, being struck by a crane, electrocutions, being caught in between a crane and other equipment or objects, and falls from the equipment,” according to OSHA.

There will be an increase in inspections at ports and construction sites. OSHA will also lend a hand in training workers about the safety hazards


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