OSHA Goes to Mars to Bestow Latest Star

OSHA has certified Lancaster Safety Consulting Inc. as a star site, the highest honor in its Voluntary Protection Programs. The Mars, Pa.-based firm employs 11 workers who assist companies with establishing and managing health and safety management systems.

"Lancaster Safety Consulting deserves this recognition for the company's outstanding commitment to the safety and health of its workers," said Philadelphia Deputy Regional Administrator Ed Selker, representing OSHA at a special ceremony held at the company's office.

OSHA's recognition programs include the VPP for employers and employees who have implemented exemplary workplace safety and health management systems. In VPP, management, labor, and OSHA work cooperatively and proactively to prevent injuries, illnesses, and workplace hazards. As part of attaining VPP status, employers must demonstrate management commitment to the safety and health of their employees and actively involve employees in the safety and health management system.


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