No Better Time or Place for Fire Education

Heat and fire are on everyone's mind in Las Vegas. The city has opened 11 cooling stations and the official high on Sunday, 110 degrees, was the earliest temperature of 110 since recordkeeping began in 1937.

The big NFPA Conference & Expo opened Monday at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, with NFPA's communications and meetings staffers providing a steady stream of news reports and feature stories on their excellent conference blog. It's safe to say Monday was a good day to stay indoors and walk the expo or open the blog on your laptop because scorching heat was waiting outside.

The local office of the National Weather Service issued an excessive heat warning for Monday until 8 p.m. The office's heat safety tips are available here.

The official high temperature recorded Sunday at McCarran International Airport was 110 degrees at 3:10 p.m., both a new record for that date and the earliest date the city's high has hit 110 degrees since records began being kept in 1937, according to the city's two major newspapers.

The city opened 11 cooling stations on June 4 for the homeless and anyone else caught outside and feeling ill because of the heat. The stations will remain open through June 9. Cooler temperatures are expected Thursday and Friday.

About the Author

Jerry Laws is Editor of Occupational Health & Safety magazine, which is owned by 1105 Media Inc.


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