IDOT Pays $100,000 for Violating Storm Water Rules

Environmental Protection Agency Region 5 issued a complaint and final order against the Illinois Department of Transportation for failure to comply with storm water rules for the Route 22/12 project in Lake Zurich, Ill.

The complaint cited IDOT for violating water quality standards, failing to maintain proper erosion controls at the site, to conduct inspections, and to maintain proper records. IDOT has corrected the problems at the site and recently paid a penalty of $100,000.

"EPA worked with IDOT to correct erosion and sediment control problems on site and with the Village of Lake Zurich to clean and reroute a part of its storm sewer system," said Tinka Hyde, Region 5 water division director.

In an effort to protect U.S. waterways, federal Clean Water Act requirements mandate practices to protect human health and the environment. EPA said that by issuing complaints it is sending a message to construction site operators, public or private, that these regulations must be met.


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