Safety Issues Lead Among IAFC's On Scene Readers

The Fairfax, Va.-based International Association of Fire Chiefs is conducting an online survey to find out what readers of the newsletter want it to cover.

The Fairfax, Va.-based International Association of Fire Chiefs is conducting an online survey to find out what readers of the On Scene newsletter want it to cover. Seventy-five percent of the readers now get the electronic edition, according to IAFC, which represents the leaders of more than 1.5 million firefighters and emergency responders nationwide. Of those readers of the electronic version, 97 percent read it on a computer screen, 4 percent on a PDA, and 4 percent from the IAFC's Web site, according to the association.

IAFC said responses so far show this: "Your interest in topics continues to place firefighter and EMT safety at the top of the list, followed closely by leadership, management topics and government issues that concern the fire and emergency service. However, many of the added comments reflect the need for continuing information about the economic challenges the fire and emergency service is facing now, and we will continue to address this critical matter in future issues of the newsletter."

The newsletter's March 1 issue is typically full of useful information, including a reminder that the TV show "America's Most Wanted" will accept nominations until April 4 for its All-Star first responder contest. (To be eligible, nominees must be at least 18; be law enforcement, fire or rescue personnel, or EMTs; be employed by or volunteer with a federal, state, or local first responder agency; and have taken the actions for which the individual is being nominated during 2009.)

Also in the March l issue is a link for a preview of Fire-Rescue Med 2010, an event set for May 3-5 in Las Vegas. Katherine West, an infectious diseases expert, will present at Fire-Rescue Med, and important information will be shared there about a new Hepatitis C vaccine coming out soon, according to the IAFC EMS section.


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