New Web Site Offers Free Biomedical Literature Searches
A new Web property called BioMedSearch ( has been launched, offering users access to millions of health and biomedical documents with topics such as diabetes, swine flu, and the latest advances in health and biomedical research.
Combining access to Medline/PubMed data with data from other biomedical literature services, the new Baltimore-based site provides advanced account features that allow saved searches, alerts, saving documents to folders (which the site calls "portfolios"), commenting on documents and portfolios, and sharing documents with other registered users.
"Consumers and researchers alike have intense interest in the scientific, technical and medical areas," said BioMedSearch CEO Erik Reeves. "We've aggregated millions of documents from trusted sources to enable Web users to quickly find the very information they need. The site is completely free, and if users register, they have powerful additional features such as the ability to save documents in folders and configure alerts to keep abreast of new developments in areas of interest."
Users also can quickly cite important works with built-in modules to integrate with Bibtext and EndNote and provide MLA/APA citations for easy copy and paste. "While the value proposition of BioMedSearch is about the content and our advanced search features, we are also excited about the prospects for researchers, scientists, and medical professionals to collaborate and participate in the community. Today this is possible through sharing portfolios and exchanging comments, but we will continue to build on this idea in 2010 and beyond with aggressive development plans. So far, we have been thrilled with the participation and feedback from the community," Reeves said.