EPA Requests Comments on 'Chemigation' Labeling
EPA is considering developing new guidance for the labeling of pesticide products applied through irrigation systems, or "chemigation." The agency has published on its Web site a chemigation labeling discussion paper and is inviting any interested parties to provide preliminary, informal comments on the best approaches to take in developing useful guidance on chemigation labeling before EPA begins drafting a specific proposal that may be issued for public notice and comment.
The proposed guidance would supersede the existing agency guidance on this subject contained in Pesticide Registration Notice 87-1 (PRN 87-1) published March 11, 1987. State pesticide regulatory officials representing the State FIFRA Issues Research and Evaluation Group (SFIREG) requested EPA to consider this step in an issue paper submitted to the agency in 2007.
Comments on this paper should be submitted by Feb. 6, 2009, to: [email protected].
EPA notes that any comments submitted may be made available to the public and advises commenters not to submit information considered to be Confidential Business Information or otherwise protected from disclosure. To assist the agency in responding to comments, please include your name, organizational affiliation, and a telephone number.
Information about other Pesticide Program labeling activities is available at www.epa.gov/pesticides/regulating/labels/label_review.htm.