Ergonoma Journal

Europe's Largest 2008 Ergonomics Show Under Way

The largest ergonomics exhibition in Europe this year is taking place in Paris through tomorrow at the Expoprotection biennial conference, which began Tuesday and is expected to attract around 24,000 attendees, according to the European Agency for Safety and Health At Work.

Besides occupational safety and health exhibitors and 70 ergonomics exhibitors ( displaying workstations, furniture, computer accessories, anti-fatigue mats, and other products and services, the overall conference includes security and firefighting exhibitors -- about 950 in all, co-sponsors Ergonoma Journal and Reed Expositions state.

Ergonoma's six-page ergonomics products index (buyer's guide) is available at this site. Ergonoma Journal is the European Ergonomics Health and Wellness at Work quarterly magazine, with bilingual text in English and French.


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