Dave May

Is This Man the Safest Driver in America?

David May, a West Seneca, N.Y.-based relay and city driver for Con-way Freight, has been named the American Trucking Associations (ATA) 2008 National Truck Driver of the Year. He has driven more than 1.4 million accident-free miles in 27 years on the road, and to earn the national title--considered the highest honor a professional truck driver can receive--he competed against professionals nominated from the 50 state trucking associations.

"David May embodies the professional who delivers America's goods safely and efficiently every day," said ATA President and CEO Bill Graves. "In addition, he goes above and beyond, working to educate the public about the necessity of the trucking industry and the importance of safety. We are proud to have David represent us on the road."

Among May's accomplishments, he was selected as an America's Road Team Captain in 2005, where he was asked to share his driving experience with the public and his colleagues to improve highway safety. As an extension of that role, he has talked to groups as diverse as school children and legislators. In 2007, he was requested to serve as the driver representative on the CDL Advisory Committee in Washington, D.C., to help shape the FMCSA policy for commercial driver requirements. He was invited to the 2007 National Conference of State Legislatures Legislative Summit to share his firsthand knowledge as a professional truck driver with state representatives.

"In the 11 years he has driven for the company, he has proven to be the consummate professional in every way," said Con-way Freight President John G. Labrie. "His dedication not only to the highest of safety standards but also to educating citizens and public officials on issues related to the safety of America's highways is unparalleled."

In announcing the award at its Safety and Loss Prevention Management Council's Fall Conference held in Nashville, ATA noted that May spends a few days each month talking to the motoring public on how to stay safe around tractor-trailers and what they can do to be better drivers on the nation's highways.

"David is an incredible resource for the trucking industry," said New York State Motor Truck Association Executive Director Kendra Adams. "We are glad to have him representing professional drivers here in New York and around the nation. I congratulate David for receiving this award and thank him for his tireless efforts on behalf of the trucking industry." May also will be recognized at the annual ATA Management Conference and Exhibition to be held Oct. 4-7, 2008, in New Orleans.


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