Australia's Workers Urged to Focus on Safe Work Week

It's not too soon to make preparations for Safe Work Australia Week 2008, which will be celebrated nationwide Oct. 19-25, says Bill Scales, chairman of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council. Scales is also "Safety Ambassador" for the week. ASCC wants all working Australians to concentrate on and be involved in safety at their workplaces during the event.

"More than 140,000 Australians are seriously injured at work every year, and more than 250 die as a result of work-related injuries. There is no better time to strengthen workplace safety messages," Scales said. "I am pleased to announce that free resources to assist in hosting Safe Work Australia Week are now available from the ASCC Web site, including ideas for workplace events, posters, logos and templates to download, and our very popular promotional products to distribute in the workplace.

"Safe Work Australia Week events don't need to cost a lot of money or take a lot of time," he added. "Morning teas, review of safety procedures, and safety slogan competitions are just some of the fun and informative ways the week was celebrated by some 2,000 organizations last year."

Each state and territory in the country is conducting initiatives to mark the week. For more information, visit


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