MSHA Releases Ninth Volume of Audio PSAs

The U.S. Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration is distributing its latest version of audio public service announcements aimed at educating miners and mine operators about the hazards typically found in the mining workplace.

The newest volume of "Mine Safety Minutes"--the ninth in a series--contains 12 one-minute messages about mine safety and health issues on compact disc. MSHA has mailed nearly 1,000 CDs to radio stations with mining communities in some 30 states.

"These audio messages have become an extremely effective way of communicating critical mine safety and health information directly to working miners," said Richard E. Stickler, acting assistant secretary of labor for mine safety and health. "We hope that local radio stations air these messages often as a public service to working miners in their communities."

Each audio message provides useful mine safety and health advice, warnings, and updates on safety issues facing the mining industry. The messages are "evergreen," meaning recorded without reference to specific time periods so they can be used indefinitely. Topics on the latest volume include black lung prevention, mine emergency management requirements, accident prevention techniques, adequate training, and the MINER Act, among others. MSHA said the current volume is the largest ever distributed in the series.

Four of the 12 messages have themes applicable to coal mining audiences. The remaining eight are suitable to audiences in communities' metal and nonmetal mines, quarries, and sand and gravel pits. All of the messages are also posted on MSHA's Web site and are available here.


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