
On Demand

Learn how to automate occupational safety data collection, management and reporting to reduce risk and cost.

Register now to join us for a webinar to learn how to automate occupational safety data collection, management and reporting to reduce risk and cost..

Duration: 1 Hour

Arc Flash 101 including Key Updates to NFPA 70E 2015 Edition

Highlights include new super slow motion HD video of arc flashes on real 480V equipment with clothed manikins in typical working positions. Plus, we’ll explain what’s behind an arc rating and what arc ratings really tell you.

Duration: 1 Hour

Overcoming Barriers for a Successful Lockout Program

Running a compliant lockout program is challenging and often falls short of adequately protecting people. This webinar cuts right to the point of many common problems and addresses what – from our experience - can be done to effectively correct these challenges.

Duration: 1 Hour

FR Garments: Launderability and the Impact on Protection

Join us as as we talk through the myths and truths about the impact of launderability on FR Garment protection.

Duration: 1 Hour

Avoiding the Statistics: What You Can Do to Avoid the Thousands of Hand Injuries in the Oil and Gas Industry

What You Can Do to Avoid the Thousands of Hand Injuries in the Oil and Gas Industry

Duration: 1 Hour

Accountability Switch: Key to Sustainable Safety Program

This informative webinar will help you discover how you can effectively arm yourself and your organization with the tools needed to encourage “accountability by choice”.

Duration: 1 Hour

Preparing your Organization for NFPA 70E 2015

This webinar is geared towards all businesses regardless of industry and will focus on the NFPA 70E updates for 2015 as well as some useful tips on how to best implement these updates into your organization.

Duration: 1 Hour

VPP Status – Continuous Process Improvement through Contractor Prequalification

In this session we will explore prequalification options which address risk mitigation, stakeholder concerns, program integration, and the dynamic nature of compliance - while at the same time tangibly improving efforts in continuous process improvement.

Duration: 1 Hour

How much is your FR garment costing you really

Join us as we uncover the real costs of owning an FR Garment and talking through some of the solutions to meet your needs and help you save money in the long run.

Duration: 1 Hour

By the Numbers: The facts and figures you need to know about fall protection

The presentation will expand to include training and inspection requirements and show how decision-makers can use hard-hitting figures to make the workplace a safer environment for everyone.

Duration: 1 Hour

Hugh Hoagland Presents: NFPA 70E 2015 Changes and Challenges

NFPA 70E 2015 Changes and Challenges

Duration: 1 Hour

Breathe Easy! Respiratory Protection Programs

This webinar covers various aspects of OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Program requirements.

Duration: 1 Hour

Fall Protection…OSHA’s Expectations & Reality

This webinar will briefly highlight important aspects of a few of those regulations within the realm of general industry and construction, but will mainly cover complying with the construction rules and their real world application.

Duration: 1 Hour

The revised Z1171 Safety Requirements for Entering Confined Spaces

Duration: 1 Hour

OHS SuperCast June 24, 2015

Duration: Each Webinar is 1 Hour