Building a Fall Protection Plan and a Safer Workplace

REGISTER Below to view the ONDemand Version 
This webinar occured on:  June 19, 2013

Falls are among the most hazardous workplace dangers tracked by insurance companies and government regulators. Developing a comprehensive fall protection plan to address workplace hazards is of critical importance both for the safety of employees and the company’s bottom line.

This webinar will help companies write a detailed, site-specific fall protection plan that addresses their fall protection goals. Companies will learn how to identify which fall protection system best fits their specific application, how the chosen system will integrate into their workplace to ultimately keep the workplace safer, and how to prepare a rescue plan in the event that something goes wrong. The presentation will expand to include training and inspection requirements and show that with the right education, training, awareness and equipment, the workplace can be a safer environment for everyone.

REGISTER Below to view the ONDemand Version 
This webinar occured on:  June 19, 2013


Kevin Duhamel, Gorbel Tether Track™ Product Manager

Kevin Duhamel is a North American product manager with Gorbel Inc. Kevin has more than 15 years of safety industry experience and expertise and has specialized in fall protection since 2008. He is a certified fall protection–competent trainer and inspector.

Duration: 1 Hour

