Every Employer is Vulnerable: Assessing and Preventing Workplace Violence

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This webinar occured on:  December 6, 2012

While some workplaces are more prone to violence than others, every organization is vulnerable. From laying off an employee, to protecting employees who work in situations more susceptible to violence, employers are well-advised to actively assess risk and take immediate steps to prevent workplace violence.

-elements of a strong prevention policy

-how to train management teams

-building employee awareness

-strategies for creating a culture of trust

-communications in difficult situations, such as layoffs, firings

-how to support the fired employee

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This webinar occured on:  December 6, 2012


Dr. Kristine Kienlen,
President of Minnesota Threat Assessment & Forensic Professionals, Inc.
A forensic psychologist and the president of Minnesota Threat Assessment & Forensic Professionals, Inc.http://www.mnprotect.com, a private practice in Minneapolis that provides threat management consultation services and forensic psychological evaluations. Dr. Kienlen has more than 17 years of experience conducting forensic psychological evaluations and serving as an expert witness for a range of criminal and civil litigation matters. Her work in the public and private sectors has involved comprehensive and objective forensic psychological assessments of thousands of individuals for Minnesota district courts, attorneys, employers, and others.

Stacy L. Bettison, Esq. is president and founder of Bettison Consulting LLC http://www.bettison.com , a strategic communications and media relations firm. She has honed an expert blend of communications, business and legal acumen developed over 15 years as a communications strategist and licensed attorney. Stacy’s practice covers all types of communications strategy, including corporate, crisis and litigation communications, critical issues management and media relations. She's a trusted confidant and strategist for her clients, helping them manage worst-case scenarios, must-win moments and everything in between.

Duration: 1 Hour