Solving Common Gas Detection Challenges: Obtain the Critical Data to Take Action and Save Lives

Purchasing a gas detector is easy. Maintaining it is much more difficult and time-consuming. Commonly heard gas detection challenges include having to maintain and service the detector, managing high and unpredictable costs and not knowing what is really happening in the field. Gas detectors keep your people safe, but they do not add much to your bottom line. Find out how your team can be more productive and become more focused on revenue-generating activities that are core to what you do.

In this webinar, you’ll learn how Gas Detection as a Service solves common gas detection challenges, giving you a safer workplace and increased visibility into the data that allows you to take action and save lives. The webinar will highlight real-life examples of how people react to these challenges through skits. You will learn how Gas Detection as a Service solves for each of the challenges, allowing you to achieve a more efficient, safer and cost-effective gas detection program.

DATE: October 13, 2010
TIME: 2:00 PM (EST) - 11 AM (PST)


Jason Wright
Jason Wright, a Sales Development Specialist with Industrial Scientific Corp., has been with the company for twelve years.

Kelly Copeland
Kelly Copeland, a Sales Development Specialist with Industrial Scientific Corp., has been with the company for six years.

Duration: 1 hr

Industrial Scientific Industrial Scientific Corp., a global company with its headquarters in Oakdale, Pa, originated as a developer of methane detectors in 1976 as the Research Division of National Mine Service Company, becoming independent in January 1985 and building a reputation for manufacturing rugged, dependable, state-of-the-art gas detection technology. In 2004, Industrial Scientific introduced iNet and the concept of Gas Detection as a Service; today it is also a leader in safety data analysis, helping customers identify and correct problems before they happen.