March 2012

March 2012

  • HEARING PROTECTION: Hearing Conservation in 2012: Focus on NRR
  • HEAD & FACE PROTECTION: A Game Plan for These Tough Times
  • HEAT STRESS TRAINING/SUMMER HAZARDS: The Best Web Resources for Heat Problems
  • IH/HAZMAT: Do I Really Need 40 Hours? Hazwoper Training Exposed
  • IH/HAZMAT: Hazard Material Information Management and Regulatory Compliance
  • TRANSPORTATION SAFETY: FAA Takes Aim at Pilots' Fatigue
  • HEALTH CARE: Mobile Phones in Hospital Settings
  • SAFETY CULTURE: Matching Your Organizational Culture to the Safety Mission
  • WORKER'S COMP: The Upside to Thoroughly Explaining Comp Benefits
  • MANAGEMENT: Plan, Train, and Maintain for Safety Success
  • ERGONOMICS: It's All About Attitude
  • WORKPLACE VIOLENCE: Improving Your Workplace Violence Program
  • Click here to subscribe.

Cover Story

The FAA rule limits flight time to eight or nine hours, depending on the start time of the entire duty period for that pilot.

FAA Takes Aim at Pilots' Fatigue

By Jerry Laws

"I think that the new rule the FAA has finalized is a great step forward when it comes to addressing fatigue in aviation," says NTSB Chairman Deborah A.P. Hersman.


It's All About Attitude

By Linda J. Sherrard

Doing this right requires much more than simply a good chair.

Do I Really Need 40 Hours? Hazwoper Training Exposed

By Barry R. Weissman

If you have an active team that either drills regularly or has real incidents, they are continually showing their competency each time they respond.

Plan, Train, and Maintain for Safety Success

By Carl Potter, Deb Potter

Just like machines, people must be maintained, and training cannot occur only on rainy days and when the company has time.

Health professionals should be aware of the health risks posed by unclean cellphones.

Mobile Phones in Hospital Settings: A Serious Threat to Infection Control Practices

By Abhinav Singh, Bharathi Purohit

Health professionals need to help raise awareness about the health risks of using an unclean cell phone.

Hazard Material Information Management and Regulatory Compliance

By Kami Blake

With the phased acceptance of GHS document, classification, and labeling standards, the next few years could see significant and sweeping changes.

Improving Your Workplace Violence Prevention Program

By Angelo Pinheiro, David O. Anderson

Management commitment is paramount to its success. Here’s how to translate it into concrete actions.

A Game Plan for These Tough Times

By Linda J. Sherrard

Head/face protection should be near the top of your list because it affects almost every other safety program you have on site.

Matching Your Organizational Culture to the Safety Mission

By Ron Dennis, Billy D. Hayes

Leadership is the key to an ideal safety culture.

Getting employees into a temperature hardening program allows them to become acclimated.

The Best Web Resources for Heat Problems

By Barry R. Weissman

As the hot weather approaches or if you have a hot work environment, get your employees into a temperature hardening program so they become acclimated.

Hearing Conservation in 2012: Focus on NRR

By Theresa Y. Schulz

The best way to use the time while we await the new labeling regulation is to train users to fit protectors correctly and use fit testing to document the protection provided by a given protector.

The Upside to Thoroughly Explaining Comp Benefits

By Henry Wright

Orienting and training employees is a crucial step in promoting a safe work environment, which will determine company insurance costs in the near future.


The Bully's Pulpit

By Jerry Laws

In how many workplaces is the safety director being insulted, threatened, or possibly worse just for doing the job?

Shortcut Safety Leadership

By Robert Pater

Wise strategists understand shortcuts are not their enemy.