OH&S March 2011 cover

March 2011

  • HEARING PROTECTION: The State of Occupational Hearing Conservation
  • HEARING PROTECTION: Eliminating Noise Pollution in IT Work Environments
  • HEAD & FACE PROTECTION: Birth of a Standard
  • INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE: Lead Exposure in Road Construction
  • HAZMAT: No Substitute for Safety
  • HAZMAT: Help for the Regulatory Onslaught
  • HEALTH CARE: Delivering MRSA Awareness in the Workplace
  • Click here to subscribe.

Cover Story

The State of Occupational Hearing Conservation

By Brad Witt

New technologies make the goal of OSHA's Hearing Conservation Amendment, the elimination of noise-induced hearing loss, very feasible.


No Substitute for Safety

By Marc Barrera

Following the diacetyl hazard scare, many food manufacturers turned to flavor alternatives -- only to find out their problems had followed them.

Trainer Don Wrege said he hopes carriers will be measured only against their true peers: van against van, tank against tank, flatbed against flatbed.

Settling In

By Jerry Laws

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has promised "continuous improvement" of CSA 2010, and carriers are counting on it.

The U.S. infrastructure needs top $2 trillion, according to the American Society of Civil Engineers.

Lead Exposure in Road Construction

By Brian Phillips

Researchers' findings have confirmed there is increased risk for those who work on roads in highly populated areas.

Birth of a Standard

By Laura Swift

ISEA is developing an eye and face protection standard for biological hazards.

California updated its standard in November 2010 to clarify the shade requirement, include temperature triggers, and address high-heat requirements.

To Beat the Heat

By Cindy Horbrook

Employee training, hydration, rest, shade, and monitoring of workers who may be at risk are elements to include in a heat illness prevention plan.

Delivering MRSA Awareness in the Workplace

By Linda J. Sherrard

No one is immune, and any of us could be exposed. In a regular training setting, typically three to four employees know someone who has or has had a staph infection in the past six months.

Active Noise Control technology takes on the noise effect head on.

Eliminating Noise Pollution in IT Work Environments

By Yoel Naor

Workers no longer have to be subjected to noise's damaging effects -- or suffer frostbite, for that matter.

Help for the Regulatory Onslaught

By Phillip G. Retallick

Hazardous materials present safety and environmental challenges for growing companies.


Leadership: Dust and Rust and Trust

By Robert Pater

Stronger leaders voraciously seek and disseminate cutting-edge knowledge of newly-surfaced factors that quietly weaken workers.

Hearing the Future

By Jerry Laws

By the time I have an EV of my own, it should be equipped to emit noise so that it complies with the Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010.

Artificial Intelligence
