March 2003


Time for an Update?

By Mark H. Stromme

EVEN though the OSHA flammable and combustible storage regulations at 29 CFR 1910.106 have been around for 30 years, there is still confusion about exactly how to comply with the requirements.

Plasma Arc Cutting Hazards

By Kris Bancroft

THIS is the fourth in the series of articles on welding safety. The central theme of these articles has been to emphasize that welding, if mastered and performed safely, is a rewarding profession, and that safety is an integral part of producing professional results.

Slip Meters: How Much Do You Need?

By Barrett Miller

SEX sells products, but when it comes to moving merchandise, nothing beats fear. It's a painful reality of modern marketing: If you can create an atmosphere of fear, the product that takes away the immediate anxiety sells. This principle applies to everything from underarm deodorant to floor care products.

Combating the Unseen

By Alan Matta

FIRST responders have the perilous task of stepping straight into hell--whether it's a burning building, toxic chemical spill, radiological disaster, or other hazardous materials situation. In these environments, first responders can take steps to protect themselves against known compounds, but the most dangerous threat is always the unknown.

Slip-and-Fall Hazards in the Marine Environment

By Hector V. Pazos

GIVEN the exposure to the marine environment and the motions of a vessel, slips and falls are a significant source of personal injuries among employees on floating equipment, probably substantially greater than for most industry groups.

Building Corporate Castles

By Joe Teeples, MBA

WHEN terrorists attack, the President of the United States is sent to an "undisclosed location" for protection. The Vice President of the United States is sent to a different "undisclosed location." In England, the Queen has ordered a high-tech "panic room" to be built inside Buckingham Palace.

Facing Down the Hazards

By Fred Elliott

EVERY day, workers in many locales are injured--including quite a few who are left with permanent disabilities--because they did not wear adequate eye and face protection. Or because they wore inadequate protection, the result of being poorly trained or not trained at all.

Will Your Safety Harness Kill You?

By Bill Weems, Phil Bishop

I was surprisingly comfortable with my legs dangling relaxed beneath me, and my arms outstretched in a posture that must have resembled a crucifixion. I had no feeling of stress and mused as to why this was considered dangerous.

Answers for LOTO Dilemmas

By John Ford

IMPLEMENTING lockout/tagout on a machine is relatively simple: Just identify all of the energy sources, isolate the energy sources by turning off and or blocking or bleeding them, lock and tag the energy sources, verify it is locked out, and then do the work that needs to be done.

Hearing Loss Prevention Regulation

By Lee D. Hager

AFTER a long period of dormancy, federal OSHA has picked up activity in the area of hearing loss prevention rulemaking. Activity is focused in the areas of recordkeeping and hearing conservation in construction.


Inside the Ergonomics Toolbox

By Valerie Weadock

IN a perfect world, every company large or small would have a trained professional on staff to evaluate and solve ergonomic problems. But in the real world, the responsibility often falls in the hands of someone with little formal training.

Starting the 'Fire' Under an Unmotivated Employee

By Janet Iachini, M.Ed., ASCM/HFI

AN employer of any size is always seeking a way to reduce the costs associated with absenteeism, injuries, worker's compensation claims, insurance claims, and/or poor morale. With our aging workforce and the natural risks associated with aging, time and efforts may seem fruitless.

From Boom to Bust?

By Jerry Laws

NEWS flashes from the convention front lines are not encouraging. If the meetings industry's own forecasts and experts are correct, a senseless building boom of U.S. convention centers will continue through 2007 at least.