It coincides with recent medical breakthroughs that have made more effective, safer oral hepatitis medicines available.
The FDA approves an application from Medtronic for revised labeling of certain devices.
OSHA has found Wisconsin Central Limited railway in violation of the Federal Railroad Safety Act for improperly terminating a conductor.
The 2-1 decision by a panel of three judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit rejects SeaWorld of Florida LLC’s challenge of a general duty clause violation following the death of killer whale trainer Dawn Brancheau in February 2010.
Los Angeles and Houston are the locations of the April workshops.
American aviation authorities have cleared the airline to add more flights to the United States after safety standards improved.
Responding to the Lac-Megantic disater, the Federal Railroad Administration announces it will issue a proposed rule regarding crew size on crude oil trains.
The board recommended that FAA assume oversight of sightseeing balloon operators, in the same way that it oversees airplane and helicopter tour operators.
The company faces $185,400 in proposed fines for alleged willful and repeat violations.
The World Steel Association and its members, which represent about 85 percent of the world's steel production, will carry out an industrywide safety audit.
Sutter Davis Hospital's accomplishments include no post-operative orthopedic surgical infections from 2008 through 2012, no catheter-associated urinary tract infections since 2008, and no central-line-associated bloodstream infections since 2010.
The screenings begin in seven states this month.
Burrows Paper Corp. faces nearly $300,000 in proposed fines.
The ministry announced it has spent more than $1.8 million on a robotic mannequin to test protective suits and equipment for Britain's armed forces.
The chief reasons installed alarms fail to operate are missing, disconnected, or dead batteries.