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5 New Hazmat Rules to Look for in 2018


Five New Hazmat Rules to Look for in 2018

U.S. DOT, along with other federal agencies, recently released a semiannual Agenda of rulemaking activities, many of which will impact hazardous materials professionals in 2018. The five rulemakings, in progress now, are all scheduled to be published as final rules before Fall 2018.

Algorithm Accelerates Search for New Antibiotics

Hosein Mohimani, assistant professor in Carnegie Mellon University's Computational Biology Department, said the research found "that the antibiotics produced by microbes are much more diverse than had been assumed." The results can aid the fight against antibiotic resistance.

NHC Estimates Harvey Damage at $125 Billion

The center's report says Harvey's flooding was catastrophic over a large area of southeastern Texas, flooding more than 300,000 structures and up to 500,000 cars. About 336,000 customers lost power during the hurricane, and an estimated 40,000 flood victims were evacuated or took refuge in Texas and Louisiana shelters.

Housekeepers to Ask Las Vegas Hotels for Panic Buttons

Negotiations begin next month, and union leaders will also bring a request for panic buttons on behalf of the more than 14,000 housekeepers working on the Strip and in Vegas' downtown area. The goal of the wireless devices, which alert managers if workers are attacked, is to prevent sexual assault.

Vehicle-to-vehicle communication promises to prevent thousands of collisions and injuries annually, DOT and NHTSA believe. (Image downloaded from NHTSA August 2014 report)

Executive Order Creates DriveOhio Center

"Our goal is to make Ohio the premier destination for researchers, developers, and manufacturers to test, build, and deploy advanced mobility solutions that will make our roads safer and less congested," Ohio Gov. John R. Kasich said.

FDA Releases Compounding Priorities Plan

The plan outlines how the agency will implement key aspects of the Drug Quality and Security Act and other provisions of the 2013 law relevant to compounders.

Louisiana Health Department Renews Naloxone Order

"Louisiana has more opioid prescriptions than we have people, and the widespread distribution of naloxone is a key component of our strategy to combat the opioid epidemic and save lives," said Dr. Rebekah Gee, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Health.

Operation Lifesaver Installs Three New State Leaders

Steve Kreins now directs Oregon Operation Lifesaver as state coordinator; Brock Kerchner is the new Pennsylvania Operation Lifesaver state coordinator; and Jessica Devorsky starts Feb. 1 as state coordinator for Texas Operation Lifesaver.

Joint Commission Publishes Study on Successful Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs

Implementing them remains challenging for many hospitals, according to the commission.

CSB Investigating Oklahoma Gas Well Explosion

After being notified about the explosion, CSB deployed two investigators to gather additional facts. Investigators arrived on site Jan. 24 and met with the lease holder for the well and the drilling operator.

Philadelphia Officials Support Safe Injection Sites to Address Opioid Crisis

Health Commissioner Tom Farley said the sites would be medically supervised and provide services such as referral to treatment for drug use, access to sterile injection equipment, wound care, and the overdose-preventative naloxone.

IAEA Lab Renovations Well Under Way

The eight nuclear applications laboratories in Seibersdorf, Austria, opened in 1962 and had not undergone any renovation or received major equipment upgrades until the ReNuAL project began in 2014.

West Virginia Releases Analysis of 2016 OD Deaths

The 61-page analysis identifies multiple key findings, including that men working in blue-collar industries with a higher risk of injury may be at increased risk for overdose death. About 705 -- 85 percent -- of the analyzed overdose deaths were opioid related.

New Ohio Fire Academy Superintendent Sworn In

Jack Smith is the new superintendent of the Ohio Fire Academy. He is responsible for overseeing all operations of the academy, including curriculum, training programs, training grounds, and personnel.

$355,000 Fine Issued in Seattle Asbestos Case

L&I's investigation found a total of 12 willful workplace health violations for exposing workers to asbestos, failing to provide respiratory protection, leaving asbestos debris on site, and other safety and health issues.

Ice Jam Flooding Preparations Made in New York State

The National Weather Service issued flood watches and advisories for ice jam flooding for many portions of New York State. Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services Commissioner Roger Parrino, Sr. said the division is working closely with local and state partners on ice jam and flooding issues throughout the state.

Some 7,000 American drivers per day were treated in emergency departments following motor vehicle crashes in 2012, CDC reported.

Thirteen States Earn Advocates' 'Worst' Rating for 2017

"Our country is approaching nine years without a single death caused by a commercial aviation crash yet, today, we can't go 15 minutes without a single death caused by a motor vehicle crash. Going forward, the most promising and pragmatic strategy at hand is adopting safety laws and advancing available safety technologies," said Jackie Gillan, President Emeritus of Advocates.


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