Hearing Protection

NIOSH Taking Comments on Research Agenda for Service Industries

The draft says suggested areas on which to focus research include same-level falls for food service workers; fatal injuries among installation, maintenance, and repair occupations; and motor vehicle injuries, falls, and struck by or against injuries among waste collection workers.

NY Mayor Signs Construction Noise Measure

"By lowering the allowable after-hours noise limit in residential areas, allowing inspectors to take noise readings from the street rather than from inside an apartment, and empowering inspectors with the ability to issue a stop work order for noisy equipment, this legislation should help bring some much-needed relief to New Yorkers," said DEP Commissioner Vincent Sapienza.

OSHA in Wisconsin Dorm Project Partnership

The partners have agreed to develop effective safety and health training programs and procedures and also to identify common construction hazards.

Comments Due on Draft NIOSH Research Agenda for Construction

The comment deadline is Nov. 27, but only a handful of comments have been posted.

Silencing Big Ben to Protect Workers

"Whilst hearing protection provides a suitable short term solution to the 118 decibel chiming and striking of the bells, it is not acceptable for those working for long periods in the vicinity of Big Ben."

Thanks to the broader band noise reduction offered in the ear canal, the active portion adds more than three times the allowable ambient noise exposure time compared to double hearing protection.

Construction Workers Most Exposed to Loud Noise

Workers in construction and extraction occupations were mostly exposed to loud work (49.6 percent of jobs) or very loud work (7.9 percent) in 2016, according to BLS.

Whether you are a Millennial, a Gen-Xer, or a Baby Boomer, all workers need to be aware of the dangers of hearing loss. (Radians photo)

The Millennial Generation: Wired for Sound and At Risk for Hearing Loss

Sound-level meter apps available for smart phones "can have a tremendous and far-reaching impact in the area of noise control," says the CDC.

Thanks to the broader band noise reduction offered in the ear canal, the active portion adds more than three times the allowable ambient noise exposure time compared to double hearing protection.

New ANR Technology in Triple Hearing Protection Safely Extends Work Time

There is a certain class of occupational environments where engineering controls are not feasible and double hearing protection is inadequate.

Examples of noise reduction strategies include: regular equipment maintenance, isolating workers from noise through soundproofing and noise damping, and upgrading to lower-noise tools and machinery. (Photo courtesy of 3M Personal Safety Division)

Seven Elements for a Hearing Conservation Program & You

Follow these steps to ensure you have an effective hearing conservation program.

Lancet Commission Says Lifestyle Changes Can Reduce Burden of Dementia

The Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention and Care says about one-third of dementia cases could be prevented through changes in lifestyle factors. Hearing loss is one of nine risk factors identified in its report as contributing to developing dementia.

Having a device that does not fit properly will force workers to remove the protection from their ears, thus exposing them to dangerous levels of noise at various points throughout their work shift. (Cotral Lab, Inc. photo)

How to Choose the Most Effective Hearing Protection?

Decision makers must consider that in many cases, workers have to wear hearing protection for eight hours.

NSF Launches Hearables Challenge

The contest seeks algorithms or methods for increasing the clarity of conversations in noisy settings.

NIOSH Highlights Noise Exposure of Wildland Firefighters

To prevent this population of firefighters from developing hearing loss, the authors recommend enrolling all wildland firefighters in a hearing conservation program and that fire agencies maintain fire service-specific hearing loss prevention programs.

New Stamp Honors Deaf Education Pioneer

Robert Panara taught English for two decades at Gallaudet College in Washington, D.C. He helped found the National Technical Institute for the Deaf in 1967 and became its first deaf faculty member.

Workers recognize what a good fit feels like and sounds like. (Honeywell Safety Products photo)

Ear Plug Selection and Fitting Best Practices

Fit-testing of hearing protection now allows a worker to try various hearing protectors to determine which type is most suitable.

Sheriff's Deputy Wins 2017 Hearing Loss Prevention Award

The 2017 Safe-in-Sound Excellence in Hearing Loss Prevention Award™ honors those that have contributed to the prevention of noise-induced hearing loss and tinnitus through effective practices or innovations directed to those who are exposed to noise at work.

Study Finds Noise-Related Hearing Loss Not Limited to Work Exposure

A CDC survey found millions have hearing damage even when their hearing is perceived as excellent

NIOSH Debuts Workplace Sound App

The app is available for iOS devices.

Wisconsin Metal Fabrication Company Cited After Teenaged Worker Dies

Sixteen serious and one other-than-serious safety and health violations were given to G.D. Roberts & Co. Inc.

Three Inventors Selected in First-Ever Noise Safety Challenge

The inventors were chosen during the first "Hear and Now—Noise Safety Challenge," hosted by OSHA and MSHA.


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