ASSP Introduces New Mobile Safety and Health Training Courses

ASSP Introduces New Mobile Safety and Health Training Courses

The organization teamed with global technology firm SafetyCulture on this effort.

The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) has partnered with global technology firm SafetyCulture to provide frontline workers with easy access to updated safety and health training that can be completed on-site in just 15 minutes using mobile devices.

“Essential safety and health courses are literally being put into the pockets of workers across the country,” ASSP’s Vice President of Workforce Development Mary Goranson said in a statement. “It’s a user-friendly experience that helps employers provide refresher training while enabling our Society to reach more workers with important safety information that can reduce injuries, illnesses and fatalities on the job.”

The 27 new courses—designed to align with OSHA standards—aim to make compliance training widely accessible and highly interactive, even in remote locations. Topics include fall protection, machine guarding, heat stress, hazard communication and respiratory protection. These brief refresher sessions are specifically targeted to workers in high-risk industries, such as construction and manufacturing, where adherence to federal regulations is crucial for safety.

The training material is now available on SafetyCulture’s online platform with a free account, allowing organizations to deliver refresher courses directly to their teams' mobile devices. For more information, visit SafetyCulture’s Training site.

About the Author

Robert Yaniz Jr. is the Content Editor of Occupational Health & Safety.

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