Illinois Postal Service Facility Fined For Lack of Fall Protection Procedures

OSHA cites a Champaign, IL facility for $144,000 in proposed fines

According to a press release from OSHA, a series of complaints prompted an investigation into a US Postal Service facility located in Champaign, IL. The subsequent inspection done by OSHA found the spot in violation of eight safety rules and imposed $144,000 in proposed fines. Two of the major violations include lack of fall protection and lack of energy control procedures at the facility.

After investigating the facility, OSHA found workers who scanned mail and placed it on a conveyor belt used an e-stop before clearing jams, when the workers were never trained or authorized to use lockout equipment to stop jams on the conveyor belt. According to OSHA, this violation could have exposed workers to laceration or amputation hazards. The facility also failed to protect workers from falls while clearing jams on overhead conveyors.

The facility also faces three serious violations, which include lack of appropriate guarding on conveyors to prevent packages from falling, failing to ensure employees were trained in energy control procedures and lack of stair railings on each open side of a railway. OSHA cited four repeat violations as well, which include failure to conduct periodic inspections of energy control procedures, failure to protect workers from falls and more.

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