Connecticut Manufacturing Plant Cited for Safety Violations by OSHA
OSHA cites The Gilman Brothers Co. for over $105,000 in proposed safety violation fines
According to a press release from its website, OSHA has cited The Gilman Brothers Co., a manufacturing plant in Connecticut, with $105,490 in fines following a series of safety inspections that began in May. The company, which produces polystyrene foam core board, was cited for many hazards, several of which included the chemical isopentane.
Isopentane is a flammable liquid used in the company’s manufacturing process. OSHA’s inspection found that the company did not inspect or test process equipment, including that of the isopentane tank, piping and pressure relief valves. This violation carried the majority of the proposed fines ($53,900) as it was a willful citation.
The company was also fined a proposed $10,780 for a repeat violation of a lack of written procedures to maintain the integrity of process equipment. Furthermore, OSHA found six serious violations ($26,180 in fines) for incomplete process safety information, hazard analyses and documentation and lack of readily available fire extinguishers and fire extinguisher training. Another inspection cited the company for $14,630 in fines for failure to ensure forklift operations look in the direction of travel, failure to maintain a clear view of the travel path and unclear aisles and passageways.