OSHA Cites Illinois-Based Metal Company for Nearly 40 Violations

The company faces up to $117,000 in proposed fines

According to a press release from OSHA, Arlington Metals Corp. based in Franklin Park, IL, has been cited for 38 safety and health violations totaling $117,000 in proposed fines. The inspection was done by OSHA in June due to a complaint filed by the United Steel Workers Union suggesting there were unsafe work conditions at the site. Arlington Metals, which is a metal strip and coil processing facility, violated several respiratory, machine guarding and electrical rules.

The inspection found the company at fault for 17 serious violations and 12 other-than-serious violations. The serious violations ($88,200 of the proposed penalties) include failure to provide machine guarding on slitters and radial arm saws, failure to complete periodic inspections of overhead cranes within the last 12 months, failure to provide guardrails and energy control procedures and more.

The other-than-serious violations include failure to conduct personal protective equipment assessments, failure to provide a written emergency evacuation plan, failure to post load rating signs, failure to maintain records of crane and rope inspections and more. The company also received several citations in August and October.

For more information, visit: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=NEWS_RELEASES&p_id=25212


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