Evaluations for all 63 weekend professional development courses (PDCs) have been tallied from this year’s American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) in Denver. PDC participants gave the following 10 courses the highest ratings overall:
- 423 - Ramping Up Your Hearing Protection and Jazzing Up Your Hearing Conservation
Elliott Berger, MS, INCE Board Certified, 3M Occupational Health & Environmental Safety Division, Indianapolis, IN; Ted Madison, MA Audiology, CCC-A, 3M, St. Paul, MN; Laurie Wells, AuD, FAAA, Associates in Acoustics, Loveland, CO; Lee Hager, Consultant/3M OEHSD, Portland, MI
- 420 - Noise Control Engineering
Dennis Driscoll, PE, Associates in Acoustics, Inc., Evergreen, CO; Thomas Lloyd, Associates in Acoustics, Inc., Parker, CO
- 706 - The Art of Safety: Mastering Advanced Communication Techniques
Gary Phillips, MA, CRSP, CHRP, North West Training & Development, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
- 412 - Exceptional Functional Leadership
Richard Fulwiler, Ph.D., CIH, CSHM, Technology Leadership Associates, Cincinnati, OH
- 102 - Bayesian Statistics: Overview and Applications in IH Data Interpretation and Exposure Risk Assessment
John Mulhausen, Ph.D., CIH, CSP, 3M Co., St. Paul, MN; Perry Logan, MS, CIH, 3M Co., St. Paul, MN; Paul Hewett, PhD, CIH, Exposure Assessment Solutions, Morgantown, WV; Gurumurthy Ramachandran, Ph.D., CIH, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN; Kevin Wallace, CIH, ExxonMobil Production Co., Houston, TX
- 601 - A Risk Management and Insurance Primer for IHs
Robert Emery, Ph.D., CIH, the University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX
- 302 - Noise Exposure Assessment: Sampling Strategy and Data Acquisition
Lee Hager, Consultant/3M OEHSD, Portland, MI
- 404 - ASHRAE 110 Testing and Management Practices for Safe and Energy Efficient Laboratory Hood Systems
Thomas Smith, Exposure Control Technologies, Inc., Cary, NC
- 114 - Life Safety Engineering
Leo Old, MS, PE, CIH, CHFM, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
- 111 - If I’m Teaching, Why Aren’t They Learning? How to Provide World-Class Training That Works
Jonathan Klane, MS Ed, CIH, CHMM, CET, Klane’s Education Information Training Hub, LLC, Fairfield, ME