Jul 10

Online Event

Why Should You Attend: Human Resources should be especially vigilant in times of complex labor laws, changing environments and reorganization of the workforce. Responsibility lies heavily on Human Resources professionals to anticipate any areas which might present problems or liability for an organization. They must also take proactive measures to assure their organization has equitable and effective management and the correct talent necessary to advance the organization and execute its business plan. This webinar will cover auditing human resources practices for compliance and liability to help identify and correct any areas that may not comply with applicable laws and/or do not comply with company policy. This action not only is a means to perform "due diligence" for your company, but is a measuring tool to determine what needs to be improved to achieve a higher standard of excellence. Areas Covered in the Seminar: Determining Responsibilities for Areas in Human Resources. Selection and Hiring; Preventing Adverse Impact. The Business Case for Diversity. Legal Pitfalls of Labor Law Avoiding Discrimination Cases. Managing FMLA, ADA, Workers Compensation, HIPAA and GINA. Linking Performance with Compensation. Management Succession Planning. Training and Development. Promotions, Transfers, Layoffs and Terminations. Unemployment Compensation. Employee Relations and Transparency. Communicating Change.

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