On Demand
In this the FIRST of three free installments of the IH Virtual Summit, we will define TWH and illustrate its application using specific workplace examples. While TWH is not a “one size fits all” concept, it is critical that industrial hygienists understand its key concepts and functional elements.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Intelex Technologies Inc., Avetta®, Industrial Scientific Corp., Skillsoft, Honeywell
In this the SECOND of three free installment of the IH Summit, we will discuss how it has never been so important to incorporate OSHA’s hierarchy of controls and add a risk-based breaking the chain of infection approach into the updating of our Respiratory Protection programs.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Avetta®, Skillsoft
In this the THIRD free installment of the IH Summit Gas Detection, this webinar will describe strategies on the use of direct reading instruments and methods (DRI/M) for hazard identification and exposure assessment in the workplace.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Intelex Technologies Inc., Industrial Scientific Corp., Honeywell
In this free webinar we will review marijuana impairment, how to accurately understand the duration of drug impairment and the tools employers need in order to select the drug testing methods that accurately meets their needs.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
OraSure Technologies
In this free webinar, we will breakdown, to a granular level, what you need to know to implement a successful occupational medicine business and/or provide occupational medicine services to your already existing facilities.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Net Health
In this free webinar, attendees will learn: acceptable indoor air quality parameters, common sources of indoor air pollutants, signs of poor indoor air quality, and what to do when a complaint against indoor air quality is registered. This will all be accomplished in the context of reviewing actual interesting (and some surprising) case studies.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Avetta®, Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC), Skillsoft, Honeywell Gas, TSI Inc.
Join this free webinar as we answer some of the tough questions regarding forklift safety and compliance. We’ll cover: The scope of OSHA’s PIT standard, Training – who, when, what and by whom, Inspections, Maintenance, Attachments/modifications, Operational issues, Mancages/personnel platforms, And much more!
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
J. J. Keller & Associates Inc.
This free webinar will help construction professionals better understand the head protection solutions available today. According to the CDC, the highest number of work-related head injuries occur in the construction industry. Understanding the different offerings and the primary protective functions of each can help companies implement the proper head protection for their employees.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
This free webinar will provide an overview of several aspects of medical screening and surveillance as part of an Occupational Health Program.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Avetta®, Net Health, Lehigh CustomFit
This free webinar highlights the key points in NFPA 70E that lead to enhanced arc flash risk assessments, proper FR/AR PPE selection and improved worker protection.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Westex: A Milliken Brand
In this free webinar, You’ll learn how to: Approach your training roadmap with a solutions-oriented mindset, Build a program that enables employees to learn what they need to know when they need to know it (learning in the flow of work), Use blended learning approaches to engage learners so they actually learn!
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
This free "eye opening" webinar will review the existing OSHA requirements for eye protection in the United States and compared them to the eye and face protection standards used by our own military, the Canadian Centre for Occupational
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Honeywell Uvex, Avetta®
Topics in this free webinar will include lessons learned and forgotten, source capture and source control versus respiratory protection, dispatch/call management, pre-transport, EMS on scene, and post-transport employee protection elements.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Intelex Technologies Inc., OraSure Technologies, AIHA
This free webinar session will look at aspects of an effective rescue plan, how a plan can be successful, and will identify the ABC’s of rescue including how a simple item added to each harness could aid the fallen worker.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
This free webinar listeners can expect to hear about the proposed standard, anticipated implementation date, OSHA’s anticipated National Emphasis Program for heat-related inspections, some best practices for working in heat and more.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Avetta®, MSA - The Safety Company, Honeywell Gas, CarbonX by TexTech Industries, TSI