On Demand
In this free webinar, Joe Geng, author of the best-selling hand safety book REThinking Hand Safety, will share what he’s learned from a lifetime of hand safety work and research.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Superior Glove
This “eye opening” free webinar will review the existing OSHA requirements for eye protection in the United States and compare them to the eye and face protection standards used by our own military, the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health, and the European Nations (EN).
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Honeywell Uvex
One of the latest schools of thought regarding worker safety is centered around the idea of building resilience. Resilience is the capacity to respond, absorb, adapt and recover during and after a disruptive incident. The main question every team must ask themselves is not only how do we prevent and avoid incidents, but how prepared is our organization to absorb and recover from the event without major injury?
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Westex: A Milliken Brand
This free webcast will explore the most frequently cited OSHA standards. We will look at the most common trouble spots in each standard, as well as what OSHA compliance officers look for and cite the most under each standard.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
J. J. Keller & Associates Inc.
Join Cority’s Sean Baldry, CRSP and Lori Kittle in this free webinar, as they explore what employers can expect in Year 2 of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how technology can help organizations optimize their EHS programs to keep employees healthy and support business continuity and economic recovery in 2021.
Duration: 1 Hour
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In this free webinar Holland & Hart attorneys Robert Ayers and Dora Lane will provide pragmatic guidance to help you understand: Latest guidance from OSHA, CDC, and the EEOC, Interplay of federal agency guidance and state guidance, Best practices for employers to implement guidance and track compliance, OSHA enforcement: examples of recent enforcement action and how to be prepared when OSHA comes knocking, COVID-19 Testing and Vaccines: benefits and challenges of voluntary and mandated approaches
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Intelex Technologies Inc., Honeywell Safety Products, Avetta®, OraSure Technologies
This free one-hour webinar will address the unique hazards and risks associated with the CoVID virus and its spread in workplace settings, key take-aways for any safety professional.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Lloyd's Register
Join Mark Bania (Co-Founder & CEO of Contractor Compliance) for this free interactive and informative master class webinar about contractor management where we will discuss how to save time, reduce risk and improve compliance using automation and technology.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Contractor Compliance
This free webinar the speakers will highlight fatal injuries caused by the OSHA-defined Construction Focus Four hazards (falls, struck-by incidents, caught-in/between incidents, and electrocutions) based on data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI), a data collection by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Columbia Southern University, SKC Inc., Moldex, Intelex Technologies Inc., Honeywell Industrial Safety, 3M Fall Protection, Avetta®
During this free webinar, you’ll hear from the VP of Safety at FM Sylvan, where he outlines how he makes data-driven decisions to keep his employees safe with the help of Fulcrum, a no-code app platform designed to automate mobile inspections.
Duration: 1 Hour
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In this free webinar, Dr. Vahid Ebadat looks back at a key dust explosion event and explores the question — would a DHA as prescribed by NFPA 652, if conducted expertly and implemented fully, have prevented the flour dust explosion he describes?
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Camfil Air Pollution Control (APC), VAC-U-MAX
This free webinar join former head of OSHA, and current Fisher Phillips Partner Ed Foulke and former president of ASSP, and current Avetta Strategic Advisor Tom Cecich as they discuss the rules and regulations surrounding OSHA inspections and key areas to examine in 2021.
Duration: 1 Hour
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This free webinar presentation will address regulatory approaches by Federal OSHA and some state plans. Attendees will get a deeper dive into vaccination: what protection is provided by vaccines based on the studies so far, what FDA emergency use authorization means, the latest EEOC guidance on employer vaccination options, and how employers might approach workplace vaccination.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Honeywell, Intelex Technologies Inc., Avetta®
In this free webinar the presenter will give specific examples of how to apply OSHA regulations and ANSI standards within your budget to achieve an effective fall protection program. Key examples include equipment purchase and use, rooftop solutions, training and Prevention through Design applications.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
Honeywell Miller, KPA, Safety Rail Company, Kee Safety
Join us as we discuss challenging training areas in general, with a strong focus on; Challenges employers are facing, best practices that can be implemented, and current trends in training that others are finding effective.
Duration: 1 Hour
Sponsored by
J. J. Keller & Associates Inc.