Provide consistent attention to the changes you want.
In a crashless world, U.S. emergency rooms won't have to treat more than 2 million crash victims per year as they do now.
What one measurement would provide the greatest insight and facilitate performance and cultural transformation?
Remember that everyone everywhere longs for something. Desire is the most elemental part of each person.
OSHA's jurisdiction in these emergencies is not crystal clear, at least not yet.
When excellence in safety is measured by zero failures, a self-limiting organizational viewpoint and very dangerous employee belief are created.
Criminal convictions and incarceration will send a more powerful message, if the young drivers are listening.
Highly effective persuasion entails communicating the way others do, not expecting them to adjust to your style.
Success is measured by the ability to drive positive, needed change, create breakthrough performance, and sustain the results.
Wanting, wishing, and pressuring gets only so far without the needed skills to make desired improvements.
Success goals and progress indicators that show movement toward continuous improvement sends the message we are getting better, rather than failing less.
From Legionnaires’ Disease diagnoses among workers at an auto shredding operation to mail order pharmacy workers exposed to pill dust, students and professionals have explored interesting IH challenges recently.
The opening keynote speaker at this year’s AIHce conference spoke quietly and didn’t say much of anything about industrial hygiene until the end of his talk, but he kept his audience spellbound nonetheless. Juan Enruiquez, co-founder of Synthetic Genomics Inc. and managing director of Excel Venture Management in Boston, discussed genetic engineering and explained how it is already changing businesses around the world.
To move to high-level safety it's necessary to perceive and then neutralize ever-smaller risks, like adjusting the fine-tuning controls on a monitor.
If you, the leader, are unable to describe in vivid detail what excellence looks like and your strategy to achieve it, don't expect others can.
Worker's compensation covers less than 25 percent of the medical and indirect costs of occupational injuries and illnesses, according to a recent study.
The challenge for many organizations has to do with understanding how to hold others proactively accountable for safety performance, which is different than safety results.
The job of the leader is alchemical, to "make something from nothing or very little."
First prize and $10,000 went to developers of an app named Lifeline that will be launched before this year's hurricane season.
What to do or not do about an employee's Facebook rant may be a tough call.