
Lagging to Leading to Transformational Indicators: Measuring the Contribution of Value

At some point, how we do safety better is answered by removing effort that is no longer value-added, even though at one point in time, it might have been.

Recognizing Real Progress

U.S. mining deaths fell from an average of 96 to 45 per year during the first half of this decade, MSHA chief Joe Main said.

Attentionally Avoiding Traps – and Trips

The takeaway is this is a combo skillset that is neither haphazard nor hereditary; attention control can definitely be improved with the right practices.

Timely Tips for Winter Safety

"By taking the proper safety precautions this winter, job providers can avoid nasty slips and falls that will cost them in the future," Michigan Workers' Compensation Agency Director Kevin Elsenheimer said.

If Zero's the Goal, Does How We Get There Matter?

Zero injuries is the byproduct of the value of safety excellence; it should never be the primary goal.

Inspiring Leadership

Experience has shown that real and lasting inspiration can set the stage for actual ongoing action and sustaining results.

Sounding the Alarm on Skin Cancer

"The findings raise the alarm that not only is skin cancer a growing problem in the United States, but the costs for treating it are skyrocketing relative to other cancers," said the lead author of the report, Gery Guy, Ph.D., of CDC's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.

Elevate Culture by Releasing Adhesions

Where are nagging sore spots or ongoing areas of dissatisfaction? Wounds that just don’t seem to heal?

The Only Way Safety Will Continuously Improve

Sometimes to make progress, the right question isn't "What do we need to do?" The question is often "What do we need to stop doing?" or "What are we doing that is sending the wrong message?"

Incentives and Rewards: Lazy or Excellent Management?

Rather than starting with incentives, seek out and neutralize what might demotivate someone in the first place.

Toward Compliance or Global Class?

Compliance and High Performance are different targets. Leaders can’t have it both ways.

Can OSHA Update the PELs?

"There's gotta be a better way. If we go chemical by chemical, it'll take us centuries," Assistant Secretary Michaels said.

Business and Safety: Are the Strategies Aligned?

Strategy is primarily about choices. It's never too late to align the most important business objectives.

Fresh Ground Leadership

When allowed to grow tepid, neither coffee nor leadership has the same draw.

The World's Ebola Response

"This is a social crisis, a humanitarian crisis, an economic crisis, and a threat to national security well beyond the outbreak zones," WHO Director-General Dr. Margaret Chan told the Security Council.

Exempting or Exemplifying Leadership?

Especially where there are expectations of some democratic process, people will react when they see leaders treating themselves differently.

IAFC's Near Miss Reporting System Begins a New Chapter

Program Manager Laura W. Bell described the scenarios as "bite-sized training" tailored for what chiefs say they need now.

Client and Contractor: Aligning Safety Cultures

Organizations serious about safety excellence focus on long-term value for both employees and contractors and place quality of life over cost reduction.

Sherlocking Safety

Sherlock's tales consistently show there's typically more going on than what's on the surface.

Report Offers Lessons from the Oso Landslide

It recommends communicating landslide risks clearly and consistently to the public, implementing monitoring and warning systems, and making seismological recordings of landslides–especially large ones.

Product Showcase

  • Full Line of Defense Against Combustible Dust Nilfisk

    Nilfisk provides a comprehensive range of industrial vacuums meticulously crafted to adhere to NFPA 652 housekeeping standards, essential for gathering combustible dust in Class I, Group D, and Class II, Groups E, F & G environments or non-classified settings. Our pneumatic vacuums are meticulously engineered to fulfill safety criteria for deployment in hazardous surroundings. Leveraging advanced filtration technology, Nilfisk ensures the secure capture of combustible materials scattered throughout your facility, ranging from fuels, solvents, and metal dust to flour, sugar, and pharmaceutical powders. Read More

  • SwabTek® Cannabis Test Kit

    The SwabTek® Cannabis Test Kit is a single-use spot test designed for use in screening for cannabis compounds in any sample type or on any surface. The test is capable of identifying the presumed presence of cannabinoids in very small quantities, with a level of detection as little as 6 μg in mass. Learn more about the SwabTek® Cannabis Test Kit and the rest of SwabTek surface drug testing solutions through the webinar titled "Everything You Want To Know About Surface Testing" Read More

  • Preventative Heat Safety

    Dehydration and heat exposure impair physical and cognitive performance. Proper hydration boosts heat stress resilience, but hydration needs are highly individualized and hard to predict across a workforce. Connected Hydration® empowers industrial athletes to stay safe through behavioral interventions, informed by sports science, and equips safety teams with critical insights to anticipate high-risk situations and adapt to evolving environmental factors. Curious about applying the latest in sports science based hydration strategies for industrial athletes? Stop by booth #1112 at AIHA or schedule a free demo today at Read More


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